How to Avoid Using Creatives that Can Delay Campaign Start Dates or Cause Under-Delivery
Campaigns that under-deliver or fail to deliver due to creative issues are non-refundable.
Are There Any Content Restrictions for My Ads?
All creatives with a white background require a contrasting border around the creatives so the ad can be distinguished from the page. Examples of a contrasting border with a white background would be black, red, blue, or green.
All ads must have a clear and conspicuous disclaimer.
Ads are required to have a legible "Paid For By" disclaimer. Candidates are required to follow the relevant disclosure laws for their election. If ads do NOT have a legible "Paid For By" disclaimer, we reserve the right to make small edits to make the disclaimer legible. Failure to include a "Paid For By" disclaimer can result in the non-delivery of your campaign, we do not offer refunds for campaigns that have delivery issues due to disclaimer issues.
Display Ads
What are the File Requirements for Display Ads?
File Type
Files must be either JPG, PNG, or GIF. PNG is preferred because it does not lose quality when resized and is optimized for online display.
File Size
The sweet spot between a high quality image and one that loads quickly is usually between 50KB – 300KB. Any lower than 50KB can render an image illegible. Our platform accepts images with a maximum file size of 400kB.
Ad Dimensions
Our platform only accepts the following six (6) sizes:
300 x 250 (Medium Rectangle) **The only size that is required, as it is the most common ad size.
728 x 90 (Leaderboard)
160 x 600 (Skyscraper)
300 x 600 (Half Page)
970 x 250 (Billboard)
336 x 280 (Large Rectangle)
Video Ads
What are the File Requirements for Video Ads?
The length of video ads is VERY important and must be strictly adhered to. If a campaign's creative falls slightly (i.e. 0.1 - 1s) outside of these lengths, it could be rejected by the platform which results in delivery failure.
PreRoll Video Requirements
Resolution: 1920 x 1080px
Size: max 20MB
Duration: 6s OR 15s OR 30s
Bitrate: 4-8Mbits
Format: MP4
CTV Video Requirements
Resolution: 1920 x 1080px
Size: max 60MB
Duration: 15 OR 30s
Bitrate: 15-30Mbits
Format: MP4
Still have questions? Want us to review your creative? We're happy to help! Contact us below.